VLT® frekvenčni pretvorniki – vodilni na področju pogonske tehnike
Smo sistemski integrator Danfoss frekvenčnih pretvornikov za območje Slovenije. Nudimo vam tehnično svetovanje, prodajo in zagon Danfoss frekvenčnih pretvornikov. Na spletni strani je Konfigurator proizvodov VLT® Drives s katerim si konfigurirate vaš pretvornik po želji. Po končani konfiguraciji prejmete 8 mestno CODE NO. “131B0882” katero nam pošljete in z veseljem vam pripravimo ponudbo. Kontakt: Matej Krajnčič
VLT® frekvenčni pretvorniki so elektronske naprave za regulacijo hitrosti vrtenje in momenta asinhronskih elektromotorjev, ter pozicioniranje in sinhroniziranje elektromotornih pogonov. Danfoss Drives zagotavlja prilagodljive, uporabniško prijazne in vzdržljive rešitve za vodenje električnih motorjev – izdelano, preizkušeno in odpremljeno v nekaj dneh.
The core business and focus of Precimeter is molten metal level and flow control. Precimeter is a globally active company headquartered in Sweden. We are also located in Germany, U.S.A and China. In order to provide excellent service to our world wide customers we are working with local representatives world wide and are represented in more than 50 countries servicing the local markets. The core business and focus of Precimeter is molten metal level and flow control. To achieve this Precimeter is divided in four different product areas. Precimeter Non Ferrous provides sensors and equipment for control of molten non ferrous metals, especially liquid aluminium. Precimeter Die Casting services the die casting industry with level probes. Metal transfer provides electromagnetic pumps for various metal transfer applications. The fourth area is Precimeter Ferrous foundry with equipment for molten metal level control in iron and steel foundries.
ProH Triangulation Laser Sensors for molten metal level control
Non Ferrous
Solutions and applications
Mould Edition
New Product: Sensor specially designed for Slab mould applications
Die Casting
Solutions and applications
New Product: Fail safe Pin Position Actuator
Slab Casting
Solutions for automatic level and flow control
For furnace level measurement
Metal Transfer
Safe and controlled metal transfer solutions